Friday, January 16, 2015

The Catcher in the Rye: First Impressions

      When I first started reading I thought Holden was very straight forward. He explained how he got kicked out of this very high end all-boys school. He used to be the schools fencing manager but got axed because he was failing too may classes. He seems like an average boy, and he makes it seem like he enjoys having alone time. He isn't held on a leash like some kids are and he is free in a sense. Holden talked about how he interacts with people and how he doesn't like it when people are fake. He also mentions his family. His two parents are very kept to themselves and don't like when people share information about them. We also learn that Holden's older brother, D.B. the writer, lives in Hollywood and has a lot of "dough". Holden doesn't seem to like where he lives. I have no idea whats going to happen next, and I cannot wait to find out.

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