Thursday, September 25, 2014

Vocab. Fall List #4

melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause 
He had many melancholy reflections of his old school days.

exemplary: an excellent model or example, or a sample worthy person or thing
The father of the toddler showed exemplary patience.

peculiar: something that is different and unusual
The peculiar smell in the kitchen made me wonder what my mother was cooking.

dread: anxious or feeling extreme fear about doing something
A sense of dread filled her as she walked into her classroom, knowing she had a big test.

bough: a branch of a tree 
In order to do the experiment, the students broke a bough off the tree.

pious: someone or something that is devoted to religion 
The pious artists made his paintings about religious matters. 

communion: haring, or is a Christian rite in which people receive the Holy Eucharist 
The church held a communion, in which many people attended.

auditor: a hearer or listener
All are chosen for terms of four years, and the governor, treasurer, and auditor are ineligible for immediate re-election.

multitude: the quality or state of being numerous, or many
The doctor had a multitude of medical supplies stored in a cabinet for his patients.

eloquence: being good with words and expressing things in a pleasing or persuasive manner
His eloquence was of that nature, in its impassioned appeals to the strongest emotions, that it required for its full effect the highest themes and the most dramatic situations. 

despair: deep sadness, or loss of hope
She was full of despair after her dog passed away.

hoary: very old, white or grey
Although the man was hoary, he had a energetic personality.

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